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Coloring Pages | Clip Art | Activity PagesWHAT IS THE CORONAVIRUS – In this book, we look at the Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. What is a virus? What do you do when you get sick. How do we keep from getting sick. Let’s all stay healthy. This book is written on a simplified level for very young children to understand some of the very basics without focusing on death or stressful aspects of the virus.
Coronavirus, Covid-19, china, sick, fever, doctor, stay healthy, wash your hands,
What is the Coronavirus? (COVID-19)
A virus is like a little bug
Only much more simple
And so small you can’t see it
It can get inside your body
When it does, you get sick
Your body doesn’t like being sick
So, your body fights the virus
Until the virus dies
The Coronavirus started in a place called China
No one knows how it started
People started getting sick
1 person, then 2, then 3
It spread from person to person
And country to country
Scientists don’t have all the answers yet
If someone has the virus, they can spread the virus
You should always wash your hands
Especially before or after touching your nose or mouth
Or after touching something in public
Use a tissue to cough or sneeze
If you do get sick, a doctor can help you feel better
Stay home untl you feel better
That is how you can help stop spreading the virus
Let’s help each other stay healthy
Tips for parents
Call you doctor first
Stay self quarantined until you have your doctors OK
Even though kids have been at low risk to contract a severe case,
They can still catch the virus and can still spread it to someone who is at high risk
The science and statistics on the Coronavirus are changing every day. For the latest info visit
These book feature
– Bright illustrations
– Simple words and phrases
– Easy to understand
– Lot’s of Viruses!
Written and Illustrated by: Michael Priddis
Published by: pzign
Copyright © 2020 Michael Priddis, pzign
#pzign #michaelpriddis #coronavirus #covid-19 #washyourhands #quarantine
What is the Coronavirus Book Cover
FREE DOWNLOAD – What is the Coronavirus – COVID-19: